In The Forest, Even The Air Breathes

Nguyen Trinh Thi, Robert Zhao Renhui, Sung Tieu, Karl Castro,  Joydeb Roaja, Sung Tieu, Karl Castro, Joydeb Roaja, Christian Tablazon, Pujita Guha, Huiying Ng, Wong Bing Hao, and Chairat Polmuk

GAMeC, Bergamo

In The Forest, Even The Air Breathes at GAMeC Bergamo was an exhibition and research project realised in 2020. Abhijan X. was awarded the 10th Lorenzo Bonaldi Prize for Curators, which resulted in the development and delivery of the project. 

n The Forest, Even The Air Breathes draws on the research relative to the Forest Curriculum: a philosophy of the Earth which promotes the need for a localized cosmo-political image of our current ecological era. A vision that offers an alternative to the principle of “planetarity” intrinsic to the concept of the Anthropocene, to which the idea is generally associated of a universality of the Western model of the “human,” one which has historically favored the exploitation and impoverishment of any territories considered peripheral by this outlook. In particular, the exhibition focuses on the cosmological systems of Zomia, the forested belt that stretches from North-East India, through the Chittagong Hill Tracts of Bangladesh, the state of Shan, the Isan heartland in Thailand, the tropical forests of the Malay Peninsula and into the Cordilleras of the Philippines.

More information here:


The Exhaustion Project (2016 - ongoing)


A House In Many Parts - An Interdisciplinary Arts Festival (2020)